Justin Bieber: Hey Eminem, have you ever heard of the Mercedes service agreement? |
Eminem: Yeah, I have. It’s a really interesting concept where Mercedes-Benz offers a service agreement for your vehicle. It’s something worth looking into if you own a Mercedes. |
Justin Bieber: Speaking of agreements, have you ever had to deal with estoppel defense to breach of contract in your music career? |
Eminem: Luckily, I haven’t had to, but I know it’s an important legal concept to understand, especially in the entertainment industry. It’s a way to protect yourself in case of contract disputes. |
Justin Bieber: I’ve been looking for some free clip art of legal scales for a project. Do you know where I can find some? |
Eminem: Yeah, there are some great resources online for free legal clip art. I’ve used them in the past for my album artwork. |
Justin Bieber: Have you ever leased a property in Tennessee? I need to find a TN lease agreement in PDF. |
Eminem: I haven’t, but I’ve heard that a proper lease agreement is crucial for protecting both the landlord and the tenant. Make sure you get all the details in writing. |
Justin Bieber: I’m thinking about pursuing a law degree at Dalhousie. Do you know the application deadline? |
Eminem: I’m not sure, you’d have to check the official website for that. But I think it’s great that you’re interested in law. It’s always good to understand the legal system. |