Beyond Accounting Software

Products / Accounting / Accounting 2.0


Builds as many templates as needed for all of the documents, and schedule all recurring transactions for future periods. Improve productivity and efficiency in daily routines with a few simple actions.

Schedule Recurring Entries

For many businesses, recurring transactions and accounting entries can be a huge volume of repetitive and tedious workload. Now you may schedule all future transactions and decide either to generate the entries automatically or to be prompted with reminders.

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Sending via WhatsApp

Sending documents/reports/location made easy with WhatsApp. Just maintain the recipient’s WhatsApp contact number, key in the message, and Send it. The recipient shall receive the message and download link via WhatsApp immediately

Image showing Sending Via Whatsapp
Sending Via Whatsapp

Document Template Ready

Create a template for a frequently used document (e.g. Cash Sale) and enjoy SPEEDY processes in the subsequent billings. Imagine how much time you can save on documents such as Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Note, Request Quotation, Cash Sale…

Image showing Document Template
Document Template Ready

Generate PO from Reorder Advice

Stock replenishment can now be easier and quicker. Browse the Reorder Advice anytime, make decision from the listed/proposed items and quantity to be purchased, then straight away Generate Purchase Orders immediately to your suppliers. Increase the stock reorder efficiency by at least 80%.

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For many businesses, recurring transactions and accounting entries can be a huge volume of repetitive and tedious workload. Now you may schedule all future transactions and decide either to generate the entries automatically or to be prompted with reminders.

Image showing Sending Via Whatsapp

Sending documents/reports/location made easy with WhatsApp. Just maintain the recipient’s WhatsApp contact number, key in the message, and Send it. The recipient shall receive the message and download link via WhatsApp immediately

Image showing Document Template

Create a template for a frequently used document (e.g. Cash Sale) and enjoy SPEEDY processes in the subsequent billings. Imagine how much time you can save on documents such as Quotation, Sales Order, Invoice, Credit Note, Request Quotation, Cash Sale…

Stock replenishment can now be easier and quicker. Browse the Reorder Advice anytime, make decision from the listed/proposed items and quantity to be purchased, then straight away Generate Purchase Orders immediately to your suppliers. Increase the stock reorder efficiency by at least 80%.

Enhance Hotpick

Version 2.0 is built with lots of enhancements and enrichments compared to Version 1.9. Below are the top 5 features of Version 2.0

Auto-Generate Stock Adjustments

After a stock take, the system shall detect the differences between physical quantity and book quantity. What you need to do is to determine whether or not to auto-generate stock adjustment entries according to the discrepancies.

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6 Levels Selling Price

For each stock item, you may now maintain up to 6 levels of selling price and assign to different categories of customers. For each level of selling price, by specifying the percentage of margin and markdown rate, the selling price shall be auto-adjusted with the changes of Cost price.

Image showing 6 Level Selling Price With Auto-Adjustment
6 Level Selling Price With Auto-Adjustment

Better Stock Filtering

For better and more flexible filtering as well as analysis reporting, all inventory items can be differentiated with Item Group, Item Type, Item Brand, Item Category and Item Class.

Image show Better Stock Filtering
Better Stock Filtering

Applicability of Stock Items

Some of your stock items are not for sale (e.g. for own use) or are used only in specific processes (e.g. raw materials are used only in making finished goods). By specifying the applicability of stock items, you may reduced the loading of non-relevant items during processes of Sales, Purchase, POS, Raw Materials and Finished Goods.

Image showing Applicability of Stock Items
Applicability of Stock Items

User Access rights Enhancement

Access Rights Maintenance is further enhanced for better experience. You may now view the comparison of access rights items for any selected user against its user group, and Export access rights items to Excel. It also allows to copy access rights from existing user to new user.

Image showing User Access Right Setting
User Access Right Setting

After a stock take, the system shall detect the differences between physical quantity and book quantity. What you need to do is to determine whether or not to auto-generate stock adjustment entries according to the discrepancies.

Image showing 6 Level Selling Price With Auto-Adjustment
6 Level Selling Price With Auto-Adjustment

For each stock item, you may now maintain up to 6 levels of selling price and assign to different categories of customers. For each level of selling price, by specifying the percentage of margin and markdown rate, the selling price shall be auto-adjusted with the changes of Cost price.

Image show Better Stock Filtering
Better Stock Filtering

For better and more flexible filtering as well as analysis reporting, all inventory items can be differentiated with Item Group, Item Type, Item Brand, Item Category and Item Class.

Image showing Applicability of Stock Items
Applicability of Stock Items

Some of your stock items are not for sale (e.g. for own use) or are used only in specific processes (e.g. raw materials are used only in making finished goods). By specifying the applicability of stock items, you may reduced the loading of non-relevant items during processes of Sales, Purchase, POS, Raw Materials and Finished Goods.

Image showing User Access Right Setting
User Access Right Setting

Access Rights Maintenance is further enhanced for better experience. You may now view the comparison of access rights items for any selected user against its user group, and Export access rights items to Excel. It also allows to copy access rights from existing user to new user.

Work Convenience

Sometimes a tiny change, be it a change in habit or the tools, can make a big difference in the result. We looked into your requirements, even the tiniest one, hoping to offer greater working experience of convenience.

Transfer Document in a Click

When creating a new document using Transfer method, you can choose to use either ‘Transfer To’ a new document from an existing document, or ‘Transfer From’ an existing document to a new document, whichever works better for you.

Transfer Document in a Click

Credit Control

Image showing Credit Control
Credit Control

Any creation of documents that violating credit limit will send a prompt directly to your screen and requesting your approval to proceed. It is convenient and it is effective.

Layout Management

This is a practically useful minor customization many may need for their own purpose. When creating transaction for sales, purchases and inventory, your own defined additional fields allows you to input desired info/data.

Image showing Layout Management
Layout Management

Remote Login

Working from home is part of the new normal. With Internet Login, account books database installed on office server can be accessed anytime while staying at home, via internet connection.

Image showing Transfer Document in a Click

When creating a new document using Transfer method, you can choose to use either ‘Transfer To’ a new document from an existing document, or ‘Transfer From’ an existing document to a new document, whichever works better for you.

Image showing Credit Control

Any creation of documents that violating credit limit will send a prompt directly to your screen and requesting your approval to proceed. It is convenient and it is effective.

Image showing Layout Management

This is a practically useful minor customization many may need for their own purpose. When creating transaction for sales, purchases and inventory, your own defined additional fields allows you to input desired info/data.

Working from home is part of the new normal. With Internet Login, account books database installed on office server can be accessed anytime while staying at home, via internet connection.

Better Flow

This version also emphasizes on better flows of recording, transaction and tracking. Special highlights are the process of consignment, deposit, purchasing, and related documents flow.

Refined Consignment Module

Your may be consignor, or consignee, the most important things you need from the software is a good flow of consignment activity records and reports. It covers from the begeinning of consignment note, to the transfer of consignment return of invoice, and status of inventory reports.

Deposit – Apply, Refund, Forfeit

If you do collect deposits from customers, you will better appreciate the features deposit management. It allows you to record each deposit received, transfer of deposit (as payment) to offset invoices, and multiple entries for refunds and forfeits.

New Purchase Request

Purchase Request is more to a internal document in procurement process, usually used before Request Quotation and Purchase Order are sent to suppliers.

Image showing New Purchase Request
New Purchase Request

Get the Flow of Documents

In one screen you can view the complete flow of related documents. From the beginning of non-accounting documents, to official business billing and related payments or credit notes. Besides, you may click on any document and drill into its details.

Image showing Document Flow
Document Flow

Stock Disassembly

Opposed to stock assembly that build a new product item by consuming several other items (parts), this Stock Disassembly allows you to break a product item into multiple items (components), at the same time keep tracks of costing and quantities. E.g. big jumbo roll of paper cut into different wide of paper roll, a whole chicken to different parts of chicken…

Advanced Quotation

Better internal control before sending out sales quotations/proposals. You may set stricter approval process before finalising a quotation, keeping historical records of all revised versions, and sending alerting email on action required/approval/rejection.

Image showing Advance Quotation
Advance Quotation

Refined Consignment Module

Your may be consignor, or consignee, the most important things you need from the software is a good flow of consignment activity records and reports. It covers from the begeinning of consignment note, to the transfer of consignment return of invoice, and status of inventory reports.

Deposit – Apply, Refund, Forfeit

If you do collect deposits from customers, you will better appreciate the features deposit management. It allows you to record each deposit received, transfer of deposit (as payment) to offset invoices, and multiple entries for refunds and forfeits.

Image showing New Purchase Request
New Purchase Request

New Purchase Request

Purchase Request is more to a internal document in procurement process, usually used before Request Quotation and Purchase Order are sent to suppliers.

Image showing Document Flow
Document Flow

Get the Flow of Documents

In one screen you can view the complete flow of related documents. From the beginning of non-accounting documents, to official business billing and related payments or credit notes. Besides, you may click on any document and drill into its details.

Stock Disassembly

Opposed to stock assembly that build a new product item by consuming several other items (parts), this Stock Disassembly allows you to break a product item into multiple items (components), at the same time keep tracks of costing and quantities. E.g. big jumbo roll of paper cut into different wide of paper roll, a whole chicken to different parts of chicken…

Image showing Advance Quotation
Advance Quotation

Advanced Quotation

Better internal control before sending out sales quotations/proposals. You may set stricter approval process before finalising a quotation, keeping historical records of all revised versions, and sending alerting email on action required/approval/rejection.


From general software users to advanced users, we offer more options in this software. This includes, among all, the Advanced Keyword Search, Stock Item Inquiry With Details, and Formula Editor.

Advanced Keyword Search

When using keyword search, all partially and fully matched records will be displayed. This advanced powerful search feature is going to make your life easier, not just a bit.

Image showing Advance Keyword Search
Advance Keyword Search

Detail Stock Item Inquiry

For those who use the feature of Stock Item Inquiry often, will find it even better in version 2.0. The new arraignment showcases greater details of the highlighted stock item in one screen.

Formula Editor

For advanced users or those with technical know-how, you may now customize a field (of any document), even in the detail band, by applying formulas to meet your desired outcome. This is particularly useful for complicated calculations.

Image showing Formula Editor
Formula Editor
Image showing Advance Keyword Search
Advance Keyword Search

When using keyword search, all partially and fully matched records will be displayed. This advanced powerful search feature is going to make your life easier, not just a bit.

For those who use the feature of Stock Item Inquiry often, will find it even better in version 2.0. The new arraignment showcases greater details of the highlighted stock item in one screen.

Image showing Formula Editor
Formula Editor

For advanced users or those with technical know-how, you may now customize a field (of any document), even in the detail band, by applying formulas to meet your desired outcome. This is particularly useful for complicated calculations.


You may have some personal preferences when comes to colors, shortcuts and favorite functions. Every time you login, it appears as what you wanted it to be.


Pick your referred theme color on this software with your login. If this makes you feel more comfortable, why not?

Image showing Theming Option
Theming Option

Data Charts

Determine what are the tiles (main functions) you would like to have on the main page. You may consider favorite functions or those you need to use frequently.

Image showing Data Chart
Data Chart

Customize Tiles on Main Page

For advanced users or those with technical know-how, you may now customize a field (of any document), even in the detail band, by applying formulas to meet your desired outcome. This is particularly useful for complicated calculations.

Image showing Customize Tiles
Customize Tiles

Pick your referred theme color on this software with your login. If this makes you feel more comfortable, why not?

Image showing Theming Option
Theming Option

Determine what are the tiles (main functions) you would like to have on the main page. You may consider favorite functions or those you need to use frequently.

Image showing Data Chart
Data Chart

For advanced users or those with technical know-how, you may now customize a field (of any document), even in the detail band, by applying formulas to meet your desired outcome. This is particularly useful for complicated calculations.

Image showing Customize Tiles
Customize Tiles